Food is maybe the only universal thing that really has the power to bring people together.
Sephardic cuisine, rooted in the culinary traditions of Sephardic Jews, is a rich tapestry of flavors that reflects centuries of cultural exchange and migration. Originating from the Iberian Peninsula, Sephardic Jews spread throughout the Mediterranean, Middle East, and North Africa following the expulsion from Spain in 1492. This diaspora influenced the evolution of Sephardic cuisine, blending Spanish Jewish traditions with local ingredients and cooking techniques from diverse regions. The cuisine is characterized by its use of aromatic spices, fresh herbs, staple ingredients like olive oil and legumes, and a celebration of seasonal produce. Sephardic dishes are known for their bold flavors, vibrant colors, and deep cultural significance, making them a cherished part of Jewish heritage and global gastronomy.
from the Kosher Cowboy
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