Let them be, 3
This is the third part of the list of Halakhic rulings which rely on or approve of the common practice, despite the opposition of other poskim, and which is based on the rule:
הנח להן לישראל אם אין נביאים הן – בני נביאים הן
Let the Israelites be, the Divine Spirit is on them, they may not be prophets, but they are the children of prophets.
1. The acts of the community are inspired by the Divine spirit; 2. Dipping in a Mikveh during the nine days; 3. Reciting Kiddush in the synagogue Friday night, contrary to the opinion of R. Yosef Karo; 4. Taking an oath in a secular court; 5. Distributing the seven Berakhot of the wedding among several people, despite the concern of distraction (my wedding was officiated by Hakham Mordekhai Eliyahu זצ”ל, and he recited all seven).
6. Letting someone other than the Hazzan read Birkat Kohanim word by word to the Kohanim; 7. Smoking on Yom Tov despite the concern of erasing the printed text on the cigarette (this is according to those who allow smoking in general. Now that we know the damage caused by smoking, it is always forbidden, no exceptions); 8. A woman can dip in the Mikveh on the eighth day during the day; 9. The cantor can recite the blessing said upon entering the cemetery, though he is not a mourner; 10. Using melodies of secular love songs for prayers.
11. Covering pots on the blech with blankets; 12. Reading the Torah with the aid of glasses; 13. Not fasting on the Eve of Pesah; 14. Putting mint leaves in boiling water on Shabbat; 15. Making Sukkah from sheets or fabric; 16. The use, by Ashkenazi Jews, of glass dishes for both meat and dairy; 17. Erecting Eruv in NYC (The author says that in Boro Park there was resistance for fear people will go to movie theaters if there was an eruv, and he argues that this never happened in other cities, meaning that people should be given more credit by the rabbis.
מקורות: 1. צמח יהודה, ה, יט: ורוח הקודש מרפרפת על הכלל; 2. ציץ אליעזר יא, נז; 3. יביע אומר א, או”ח, טו; 4. שם א, יו”ד, יז; 5. שם ד, אה”ע, ז, וכן משנה הלכות, יד, עט; 6. יבי”א ה, או”ח, כב; 7. שם ה, או”ח, לט; 8. שם ה, יו”ד, יט; 9. שם ל, ג; 10. שם ו, או”ח ז; 11. שם לג; 12 שם ז, או”ח, יח; 13. שם ט, או”ח, צ; 14. יחווה דעת, ו,כב; 15. משנה הלכות, טו, קכו; 16. שם ט, קסח; 17. שם טו, קכו: אין רשות הרבים לא בניו יורק ולא בברוקלין ומצוה לערב… בירושלים ובתל אביב וכל שאר עיירות לא חששו שילכו בשבת קודש לטיאטער, ורק בבורו פארק חששו
Parashat Tetzaveh – English reading