Loosely translated as "legends", Aggadah includes the genres of biblical exegesis, stories about biblical characters, the lives of the Talmudic era sages and their contemporary history, parables, proverbs, and folklore. A captivating mélange of wisdom and piety, fantasy and satire, Aggadah is the expressive medium of the Jewish creative genius.
How does a Rabbi weigh his responsibility to Jewish law, to the sensitivities of the people involved. Difficult questions are usually never black and white. We discuss intricate questions asked to Sephardic and Ashkanazi Rabbis of current and past generations and their responses. What was the philosophy behind their answers? Why were concessions made in special situations?
Iraqi Jewish Songs for Special Occasions, shabbat and Holidays נוסח יהודי בבל. Rabbi Ovadia's parents were from Iraq, before moving to the State of Israel. From a young age, he was gifted with being taught the many beautiful tunes of his ancestors. These were used in the synagogue on Shabbat and Jewish Holidays, at home, as well as at happy and sad occasions. He has recorded this treasure trove of melodies for all those who want to learn and those who want to listen. His hope is that these tunes will connect the past to the future, and to enrich and inspire a new generation, who will carry the torch forward.
Rabbi Haim Ovadia speaks about a plethora of topics on Passover. He discusses the wondrous Passover Seder, legumes for all, history of the holiday, sensitive toward others, and how to live in today's world.
The ancient Jewish tradition of mystical interpretation of the Bible, first transmitted orally and using esoteric methods (including ciphers). It reached the height of its influence in the later Middle Ages and remains significant in Hasidism.
Keeping kosher seems like it gets more burdensome over time. It's not that true kashrut has changed, but rather Rabbi's and kashrut organizations continue to raise the bar. But, is raising the bar a good thing? Is it that our ancestors were ignorant to the laws of kashrut? Or is it the fact that kashrut has become a business? Certifying toilet paper should tell us we have gone way too far. Here I give you the real deal. No smoke and mirrors. The pre-kashrut business and also what was once a kashrut issue may have changed because circumstances have changed.
Shabbat is the Jewish Day of Rest. Shabbat happens each week from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday. During Shabbat, Jewish people remember the story of creation from the Torah where God created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th day. Different Jewish people celebrate Shabbat in different ways.
Shabbat is the Jewish Day of Rest. Shabbat happens each week from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday. During Shabbat, Jewish people remember the story of creation from the Torah where God created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th day. Different Jewish people celebrate Shabbat in different ways.
Course Objective- "To understand the historical and social context and identify the message or hidden message". In this series, he analyzes select sections from Midrash. This is the full Academic Course on Midrash and all its facets taught by Rabbi Haim Ovadia in the summer of 2016 at the Academy of Jewish Religion in Los Angeles, CA.
Mourning generally concludes in the morning of the seventh day. No mourning may occur on Shabbat (the Jewish Sabbath), nor may the burial take place on Shabbat, but the day of Shabbat does count as one of the seven days. If a Jewish holiday occurs after the first day, that curtails the mourning period.
The Semikha Program is free and open to all. You can listen to and read select lessons and texts at your own pace, from anywhere. Your academic and Judaic background, as well as non-formal classes you attend, will be counted.
Introduction to the rich world of Sephardic prayers and music.
In this series, we explore the life and work of the great Sephardic scholars.
Torah with the Sephardic Babylonian trope by Rabbi Haim Ovadia. תורה בטעמי המקרא נוסח בבלי ירושלמי.
Tefila (Heb. תפילה ; te-feel-ah) is the Hebrew word for prayer. The word itself contains a range of meanings. The Hebrew root פלל connotes “executing judgement” (Exodus 21:22) or “thinking” (Genesis 48:11). In this sense, the word להתפלל , to pray, may also refer to a process of accounting or contemplation.
Soluciones y respuestas a las problemas de Pesaj. Rabbi Ovadia ha trabajado a través del mundo como rabino y como hazan, y esta extremadamente familiarizado con las tradiciones sefaraditas y las liturgias de las comunidades iraquí, marroquí, persas, sirias y yemenitas.
In Orthodox Judaism, the role of women is generally seen as separate but of equal value. Women's obligations and responsibilities are different from men's, but no less important. The primary role of a woman is as wife and mother. Reform Jews believe in the equality of men and women. Rabbi Ovadia tackles the issues in this podcast series.
ההלכה היא לא סטטית. היא דרך מהירה המובילה מן העבר הרחוק אל העתיד הבלתי נראה ועליה מאות אלפי נוסעים ואירועים שמתרחשים יום יום. מחלף ההלכה חושף את ההיסטוריה של ההלכה, ומסביר מדוע המשפט "ההלכה אומרת" איננו מדוייק. מחלף ההלכה גם יציג בפני המאזינים את ארגז הכלים של ההלכה ויעזור להם להתמודד ולהפריך קביעות דתיות והלכתיות שהם אינם מסכימים איתן
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