Parashat Miketz – Weekday Hebrew Torah Reading (Sephardic style)

Parashat Miketz – Weekday Hebrew Torah Reading (Sephardic style) Source link
Parashat Vayechi: Jacob’s Blessings

The parasha describes Jacob’s desire for burial in Canaan, Jacob’s blessing of Joseph’s sons Ephraim and Menashe, Jacob’s blessing of his sons, Jacob’s death and burial, and Joseph’s death.
Parashat Vayigash: Reconciliation

In the parasha, Judah pleads on behalf of his brother Benjamin, Joseph reveals himself to his brothers, Jacob travels to Egypt, and Joseph’s leadership of Egypt saves lives while converting all Egyptians into bondmen.
Parashat Miketz: Dreams and Rise

Joseph’s interpretation of Pharaoh’s dreams, Joseph’s rise to power in Egypt, and Joseph’s testing of his brothers are all told in Parasha Miketz.
Parashat Vayeshev: Joseph’s Trials

Parashat Vayeshev reveals Yosef’s journey through dreams, betrayal, and triumph, exploring themes of faith, resilience, and God’s guiding hand.
Yosef: The Ultimate Sales Pitch

Reading Between the Lines in Miketz Questions for discussion: In verse 41:14 we read that Yosef “shaved and changed clothes”. Whose initiative was it? Can it be proven from the grammar? How does Pharaoh echo Yosef’s language? How are Yaakov and Pharaoh similar in their treatment of Yosef? Why did Yosef create local and not […]