Crossword Puzzle: Parashat Ki Tetze

Test your knowledge with our crossword puzzle! Solve clues related to biblical figures and events from Parashat Ki Tetze.
Parashat Mishpatim: Laws and Justice

Parashat Mishpatim sets out a series of laws, which some scholars call the Covenant Code. It reports the people’s acceptance of the covenant with God.
The 613 Commandments (Mitzvot)

Delve into the significance of the 613 Commandments (Mitzvot), exploring Jewish law, ethical principles, and religious obligations in depth.
Yitro 5: Revelation and Principle of Authority

Just abans de la revelació a Sinaí, «[el nom de les quatre lletres] va dir a Moisès, «Heus ací que Jo vindré a tu en l’espessor del núvol, per tal que el poble escolti quan Jo et parli, i ells també creuran en tu per sempre» (Xemot, Èxode, 19:9). Fins aquell moment, el Sant, beneït […]