Parasha of the Week: VaYetze

Please Listen Carefully! In the book “You Just Don’t Understand”, Deborah Tannen analyzes the different conversational styles of men and women. Tannen analyzed hundreds of conversations between men and women, and she explains that many of these dialogs go awry because the two sides are not really having a conversation. They are not talking to […]

Parasha of the Week: Chaye Sarah

Parasha of the Week: Chaye Sarah

We tend to think that Avraham sent his servant to Haran to find Yitzhak a woman from Avraham’s family. I would like to prove that Avraham had no such intention, and that finding Rivka, who was related to Avraham, was a bonus point for the servant.  I believe that Avraham turned to Haran not because […]


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