Parashat Beshalach: Crossing the Sea

In Parashat Beshalach, Pharaoh changes his mind and chases after the Israelite people with his army, trapping them at the Sea of Reeds.
Parashat Bo: Plagues and Exodus

Parashat Bo marks the crescendo of plagues, the birth of Passover, and the Exodus, epitomizing divine justice, liberation, and transformation.
Parashat Va’era: Plagues Begin

Parashat Vaera tells of the first seven Plagues of Egypt.
Parashat Shemot: Exodus Begins

Parasha Shemot describes the suffering of the Israelites in Egypt, the concealment and rescue of the young Moses, Moses’ time in Midian, his calling, his circumcision on the journey, his encounter with the elders, and his appearance before Pharaoh.
The Forgotten Exodus – A Series By AJC

Sephardic U would like to thank AJC, the American Jewish Committee, for their efforts in bringing to light a series that focuses on the nearly one millions Jews who were expelled their Arab lands. We encourage all Jews to listen to this fascinating series. The world has overlooked an important episode in modern history: the […]
Dayenu Strong

Pesah Message כנגד ארבעה בנים דברה תורה, האחד עוטף ביתו בנייר כסף, אחד דורש ביציאת מצרים כל הלילה, אחד סובל מכאבי בטן עד שבועות, ואחד חוגג “כושר סטייל” בפלורידה, וכולם, כל הארבעה, אוהבים את פסח (מדרש חדש מן הגניזה האמריקאית) The Torah speaks of four sons, one wraps his house in aluminum foil, one speaks […]