Parashat Beshalach – Crossing the Sea

Parashat Beshalach – Crossing the Sea Source link
פּרשת שמות NOMBRES

Éxodo 1, vs 1-4: Los hijos de Israel (Jacob) fueron doce varones y una hembra. Aquí se menciona sólo a 11 varones porque el 12avo, José vivía ya en Egipto. Es preciso notar que las doce tribus de Israel no corresponden exactamente a los nombres de los doce hijos de Israel porque Leví no tomó […]
Parashat Shemot: Exodus Begins

Parasha Shemot describes the suffering of the Israelites in Egypt, the concealment and rescue of the young Moses, Moses’ time in Midian, his calling, his circumcision on the journey, his encounter with the elders, and his appearance before Pharaoh.
Parashat Shemot: Righteous Women

Full Room-Service The Talmud says that because of the merit of righteous women, the Israelites were redeemed from Egypt (Sotah 11:2). Apparently, the claim that the Rabbis marginalized women or ignored their contribution to society is wrong. But let us read the whole story and see if this is an accurate assessment. “The Israelites were […]