פּרשת תזריע DAR A LUZ (Tazria)

פּרשת תזריע DAR A LUZ (Tazria)

Levítico 12, vs 2: אִשָּׁה֙ o “…mujer…”: Cuando Dios hizo a la mujer, la hizo como complemento del hombre, en virtud de su santa compasión para que el hombre no estuviera solo. Adán la llamó חוה o “Eva”. El término חוה o “Eva” esta compuesto de dos sílabas: La primera es ח o “…Ha…” y […]

Parashat Tazria: Laws of Purification

Parashat Tazria: Laws of Purification

Tazria (“She Bears Seed”) opens by describing the purification process for a woman after childbirth. It then describes different forms of tzaraat, a discoloration condition on skin or clothing, and the requirement of an infected person to dwell alone outside the camp and be inspected by a priest.

Prophets & Profits: Reputation Spreads

Prophets & Profits: Reputation Spreads

Reputation Spreads Tazria and Business Leviticus 13:8 And if the kohen sees that the rash has spread on the skin, the kohen shall pronounce that person impure; it is tzaraat. Negative speech causes the spiritual skin disease called “tzaraat”. Both are contagious for the same reason. Words may spread, but negativity spreads even faster. Just […]

Parashat Tazria: Monsieur Le Peh Ra

Parashat Tazria: Monsieur Le Peh Ra

As seen in the Jewish Journal This is the story of Peh Ra. All his life, Peh Ra felt like a cattle owner, walking among his animals and marking them with a red-hot branding iron. Peh Ra had a nice collection of branding irons. Some people he branded “losers,” others were marked “nerds” or “geeks” […]

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