Parashat Yitro – Wisdom Leadership and the Giving of the Torah

Parashat Yitro – Wisdom Leadership and the Giving of the Torah Source link
Sephardic Shavuot Customs

Delve into Sephardic Shavuot customs with Deanna Pool’s speech, unraveling the richness of traditions in this enlightening exploration.
Parashat Tazria – Weekday Torah Reading (Moroccan Teamim)

Parashat Tazria – Weekday Torah Reading (Moroccan Teamim) Source link
5th Aliya of Parashat Miketz – Sephardic style

5th Aliya of Parashat Miketz – Sephardic style Source link
Crossword Puzzle: Parashat Nitzavim

Test your knowledge with our crossword puzzle! Solve clues related to biblical figures and events from Parashat Nitzavim.
Crossword Puzzle: Parashat Ki Tavo

Test your knowledge with our crossword puzzle! Solve clues related to biblical figures and events from Parashat Ki Tavo.
Parashat Ki Tavo: Blessings and Curses

Parashat Ki Tavo intertwines blessings and curses, echoing the consequences of choices and renewing the covenant between divinity and humanity.
Crossword Puzzle: Parashat Ki Tetze

Test your knowledge with our crossword puzzle! Solve clues related to biblical figures and events from Parashat Ki Tetze.
Parashat Ki Tetze: Laws of Conduct

Parashat Ki Tetze covers ethical treatment of captives, kindness to the vulnerable, honest business practices, and more.
Parashat Re’eh: Torah Reading (English)

Parashat Re’eh: Torah Reading (English) Source link