Prophets & Profits: Hyssop Humility

Prophets & Profits: Hyssop Humility

Hyssop Humility Passover and Business Exodus 12:22 Take a bunch of hyssop, dip it in the blood that is in the basin, and apply some of the blood that is in the basin to the lintel and to the two doorposts. The Israelites used hyssop to protect themselves on Passover because it is a simple, […]

Parashat Metzora: Curing Narrow-Mindedness

Parashat Metzora: Curing Narrow-Mindedness

When the leper heals, he brings two live birds, cedar, crimson wool, and hyssop. The priest will slaughter one bird onto a clay vessel filled with fresh water. He will then dip the live bird, with the cedar, crimson wool, and hyssop, in the mixture of blood and water. He will sprinkle it on the […]

Prophets & Profits: Reputation Spreads

Prophets & Profits: Reputation Spreads

Reputation Spreads Tazria and Business Leviticus 13:8 And if the kohen sees that the rash has spread on the skin, the kohen shall pronounce that person impure; it is tzaraat. Negative speech causes the spiritual skin disease called “tzaraat”. Both are contagious for the same reason. Words may spread, but negativity spreads even faster. Just […]

Parashat Tazria: Monsieur Le Peh Ra

Parashat Tazria: Monsieur Le Peh Ra

As seen in the Jewish Journal This is the story of Peh Ra. All his life, Peh Ra felt like a cattle owner, walking among his animals and marking them with a red-hot branding iron. Peh Ra had a nice collection of branding irons. Some people he branded “losers,” others were marked “nerds” or “geeks” […]

Prophets & Profits: Power of Silence

Prophets & Profits: Power of Silence

Power of Silence Shemini and Business Leviticus 10:3 And Aaron was silent. Strong leadership is often associated with domineering and influential speech. Yet sometimes it’s more powerful to restrain oneself, observe, and surrender to the moment. Do the most effective leaders in your life speak or listen more? In what areas of your life should […]

Parashat Tzav: Sacrifices. Same Old Story?

Parashat Tzav: Sacrifices. Same Old Story?

Prayers and Sacrifices The sages of the Midrash argue that there is a deep relationship between sacrifices and prayers: Rabbi Yehoshua Ben Levi said: Prayers were established as a substitute for the daily sacrifices (Berakhot 26:2). Rabbi Avho said: What replaces the oxen we used to sacrifice to You? Our lips, through the prayers we […]

Parashat Pekudei: Mishkan, 21st Century Edition

Parashat Pekudei: Mishkan, 21st Century Edition

The Mishkan Today Parashat Pekudei concludes the detailed description of the construction of the Mishkan, which stretches over 14 chapters and 550 verses. The Mishkan served the Israelites in the desert and then wandered with them into and inside The Promised Land. The Mishkan moved from place to place until King Solomon finally built a […]

Parashat Vayakhel: Shabbat vs. Idolatry

Parashat Vayakhel: Shabbat vs. Idolatry

Shabbat vs. Idolatry Shabbat is the last commandment given to the Israelites before they make the Golden Calf, and it is mentioned twice immediately afterwards (Ex. 31:12-18; 34:21; 35:1-3). In the first occurrence Shabbat is called a covenant, and in the last it is introduced with the words VaYakhel Moshe – Moshe gathered the congregation. […]

Parashat Ki Tisa: Spiritual Intimacy – Know God, Know Yourself

Parashat Ki Tisa: Spiritual Intimacy – Know God, Know Yourself

Moshe Wants to Know God Shortly after the momentous occasion of the Giving of the Law on Har Sinai, the Israelites commit a preposterous transgression. They make and worship a molten idol, the Golden Calf. Moshe pleads with God to show mercy to the rebellious nation, and then makes a request which seems to be […]

Parashat Terumah: Home, Mishkan, Eden

Parashat Terumah: Home, Mishkan, Eden

Mishkan and Home What can the Mishkan be analogized to? When I present this question at a class, the first, intuitive answer, is that the Mishkan resembles a home, and the second, which comes after a minute of contemplation, is the Garden of Eden. Like a home, the Mishkan has a table, a candelabra, a […]


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