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Parashat Terumah The Tabernacle

Terumah (“Donation”) opens as God tells Moses to collect donated materials in order to build a dwelling place for God called the Mishkan (Tabernacle). God describes how to build the vessels that will fill the Mishkan – including the ark, table, menorah, and sacrificial altar – as well as the Mishkan’s walls and curtains.

Terumah 5: The arrangement of the sacred space

A la cinquena alià de la paraixà d’aquesta setmana, després d’informar-nos d’on es situarà l’arca del testimoni, la Torah ens diu que caldrà fer una partició, un «parohet» i el lloc on anirà. I que servirà de partició entre el kodeix-hakodaixim, on estarà l’arca, i el kodeix, la part interior del Tabernacle: «Tu penjaràs el […]

Parashat Terumah: Home, Mishkan, Eden

The Tabernacle photo

Mishkan and Home What can the Mishkan be analogized to? When I present this question at a class, the first, intuitive answer, is that the Mishkan resembles a home, and the second, which comes after a minute of contemplation, is the Garden of Eden. Like a home, the Mishkan has a table, a candelabra, a […]

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